Nice feature posted by Southern Humanities Review. Go here to read more.










It's official! My fourth award winning collection, Boneyard Heresies which won the Moon City Press 2023 Poetry Prize can now be ordered here.





Happy to have my poem "Self-Portrait as Pathetic Fallacy" in the Southern Humanities Review. Go here for poem.



Cover reveal for award winning collection Boneyard Heresies due out February 2, 2025 from Moon City Press! Presale now at

I am so grateful to have won the 2023 Moon City Press Poetry Award for my next full collection Boneyard Heresies! Forthcoming 2/2/25. See announcement here.

Grateful to the editors of The Missouri Review for choosing my work as a finalist in the 2023 Jeffrey E. Smith Editors' Prize and publishing six of my poems in this issue. Go here to see more.










Having been raised in the Bay Area and born in San Diego Catamaran Literary Reader has long been one of my dream journals. The quality of the literary work and the thoughtful physical layout, the strong textured stock and beautiful artwork make each issue a work of art unto itself. So I was thrilled to be chosen as a runner-up in their book award this year which included publication of this nostalgic poem. Thanks again to Catamaran and judge Dorianne Laux!

I am thrilled to be named as a runner-up in the Missouri Review's 33rd annual Jeffrey E. Smith Editors' Prize! Six poems are forthcoming in the Missouri Review in 2024!

So happy to see my work featured for the fourth time on Verse Daily for July 10th! Go here to read "Self-Portrait with Blacktop, Heron and Doubt."

Many thanks to the editors at ONE magazine (Jacar Press) for publishing my poem "Self-Portrait with Blacktop, Heron and Doubt" in their July 2023 issue. Go here to read. 

Gratitude to the editors at Catamaran Literary Reader for choosing my full manuscript Boneyard Heresies as a finalist in their 2023 Poetry Prize. Go here for more details.

Happy to have my poem "When Does Happiness Arrive" in the Rock & Roll themed issue of Dorothy Parker's Ashes. Go here to read and hear me read the poem.

It sure was fun to participate with my grad school friends and brilliant writers as part of a National Poetry Month event at the Orcas Island Library.  Go here to view taped session.

Happy to have two poems in the Winter 2022 Issue of Lily Poetry Review. "Body and Soul" and  "That Feeling You're Feeling is Called Languishing." Go here to order.

So good to have my poem "Poem in Which I Become My Own Fairytale" in the current issue of Hunger Mountain Review, a journal I have long admiredGo here to read.

Many thanks to the editors of Bear Review for taking my poem "Melancholy and Joy Walk into a Bar." Go here to read. 

Honored to have my poem "Just Yesterday the Crows" in issue ix of Bracken. Go here to read poem.

Happy to be one of five finalist in the Wheelbarrow Books 2021 Poetry Prize for my next full collection Boneyard Heresies. Go here for more details. 

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Always a pleasure to have work featured in The Ekphrastic ReviewGo here to read.


Happy to have my poems "Fish" and "Self-Portrait as the Sacred and Profane" in the Ephemera themed issue of The Ilanot Review. Go here to read issue.

Many thanks to The North Meridian Review for publishing three of my pandemic poems in their Fall 2021 issue. Go here to read them or open this PDF NMR Fall 2021.
















I enjoyed interviewing author Judy Temes regarding her new memoir Girl Left Behind (Saint Julian Press) at Town Hall/Seattle on September 22nd 2021.  Go here to watch the interview on YouTube.

Grateful to have my poem "October" reprinted in The Madrona Project Vol. II, #1 by Empty Bowl Press. Edited by Holly Hughes. Go here to order.

My poem "For I Have Sinned" was featured on Spokane Public Radio's Poetry Moment! Go here to hear poet Yvonne Higgins Leach read.

Spokane Public Radio logo

It's an honor to have my poem "Why I Read the Obits" chosen as an Editor's Choice in the 2020 Allen Ginsberg Award from the Paterson Literary Review.

Many thanks to the Tulsa Review for taking two of my epistles "Letter of Recommendation" and "Dear Public Restrooms in the Hospital Lobby". Go here to read more.

Grateful to the editors of FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art for publishing my poem "Letter of Recognition" in their LOVE issue. Go here to read.

Many thanks to Adrian Koesters for her review of Praising the Paradox on her blog Dr. Bunny's Workshop. Go here for more.

Happy to contribute to the "Friday Feature" on writer Adrian Koesters Blog Dr. Bunny's Workshop for February 5th, where I reflect on the impact of poet Lucia Perillo. Check it out here.

Interview: Lots of fun talking with Dovetales editor and Writing for Peace host Juniper Moon on the show's Sunday, April 30th live broadcast. Go to this Youtube link to enjoy the show.

Many thanks to Rattle for publishing my poem "Dear Morning Commuters" in their Summer 2020 issue. Go here to read and listen

Thank you to Diode Poetry Journal for taking two of my poems. Go to the link below to read all the stunning poetry in the summer 2020 edition. Diode Vol. 13 #2 2020     diode poetry journal

Happy to be featured in Cultural Weekly's Poet's on Craft for August 5th, 2020. Take a look here.

Cultural Weekly logo

Happy to have my poem "Mid-Air" in the Spring issue of Minerva RisingCheck out the amazing issue here!

Praising the Paradox long-listed for the Julie Suk Award for best book by a literary press in 2019! Thanks Jacar Press. It is an honorGo here to read more.

Thanks to the editors of The Galway Review for taking two of my poems. Always happy to go international. Check it out!

It's a thrill to have another poem featured on Verse Daily for April 7th, 2020. Click here to read.

Thanks to Empty Mirror for publishing a review of Praising the Paradox by Mary Ellen Talley. Read the review here.


Poem featured on Verse Daily! Many thanks to Verse Daily for featuring my poem "Calculations" for November 28th! Read it here!

Poem featured on Poetry Daily!

Poetry Daily

I am thrilled to have my poem "Traveling Instructions" chosen as the featured poem on Poetry Daily for Saturday October 26th, 2019. I have long admired Poetry Daily and am so honored to be a member of their stellar line-up. Check it out!


Poem featured on The Writer's Almanac!

Garrison Keillor chose my poem "A World of Want" as the featured poem for the August 27th, 2019 edition of NPR's The Writer's Almanac. Hear Garrison read it here!

Workshop & Reading: "Step on it! Building Velocity in Your Poems"

Workshop: October 12 | 2-5:00pm | Seattle, WA co-facilitated with John Sibley Williams.

Reading: October 12 | 7:00pm | Seattle, WAwith John Sibley Williams and Josh Fomon.

Praising the Paradox Official Book Release at Open Books in Seattle!

September 20 | 7:00pm | Seattle, WA with Jill McCabe Johnson and Kay Mullen.

Open Books: A Poem Emporium

Reading: Eagle Harbor Books 

September 12 | 6:30pm | Bainbridge Island, WA with Jed Myers.



Reading: Phinney Books

September 10, 2019 | 7:00pm | Seattle, WA 7405 Greenwood Ave N. With Jed Myers and Heidi Seaborn.